About Our Members

Our members are comprised of individuals and organizations whose professional expertise relates to the betterment of the lives of young adults and their families.  These professionals are committed to collaboration as well as developing new and innovative ways of working with this population. Our members consist of Therapists, Educational Consultants, Direct Care staff, Admissions Staff, Educators, Owners and Founders, Clinicians and Young Adult Treatment Providers.

Organization Full Membership

YATA Organization Full Membership

  • Licensed and/or Accredited relevant to the level of care and services provided, respective to their State and/or a nationally recognized accrediting body
  • Young Adult-Specific milieu devoted to mental health, behavioral health, and healthy development transition of young adults from adolescence to adulthood
  • Clearly defined environment of care
  • In operation for a minimum of 3-years
  • Participating in YATA research and outcome studies
  • Uphold all other YATA membership requirements and ethical standards as outlined in the membership application
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Organization Provisional Membership

YATA Organization Provisional Membership

  • In operation for a minimum of one year
  • Young Adult-Specific milieu devoted to mental health, behavioral health, and healthy development transition of young adults from adolescence to adulthoodClearly defined environment of care
  • Clearly defined environment of care
  • Working towards licensure or accreditation, relevant to the level of care and services provided, respective to their State and/or a nationally recognized accrediting body
  • Participating or working towards YATA research and outcome studies
  • Uphold all other YATA membership requirements and ethical standards as outlined in the membership application
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Professional Membership

Professional Membership:

These professionals support the ethical standards as outlined by YATA. These individuals share the mission of cooperative and collaborative relationships.

  • Professional Members may be therapists, educational consultants, direct care staff, admissions staff, and educators.
  • Ancillary organizations that support and work alongside YATA programs and don't have a defined environment of care (outpatient models, virtual models, coaching programs, vendors, therapeutic consulting firms, etc.
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